Welcome to you

Monarchs feeding on buddleia flowers.

I remember as a child...

enjoying children’s stories told on the radio. Among many, the Selfish Giant, Rumpelstiltskin and The Emperor’s New Clothes come to mind.

When I do a web-search for the last one, I find numerous versions of it. However the basic story is always the same. A very gullible emperor is sold a new set of beautiful clothes by two scoundrels. They tell him that the clothes are invisible to anyone unusually stupid or a fool. The emperor himself, not wanting to be shown as a fool, goes along with the ruse. Sadly, every one else in the kingdom follows suit, "The Emperor’s clothes are beautiful" they all say.

But an innocent child seeing the emperor declares. "But he hasn't got anything on!"     And then the whole town cried out at last, "But he hasn't got anything on!"

The sham was exposed.

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26.07 | 22:19

What a great site. You have wonderful photos, and it is beautifully done. Lois